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Spam Mac and Cheese Recipe

Posted November 6, 2014 by Stephanie
spam mac and cheese recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

As a kid, I was the pickiest eater. My favourite meal was plain white rice, if even that. Mostly, my mom let me get away with eating bowls of Cocoa Pebbles for dinner. There were a couple of other things that I would deign to eat – one of them was spam. Or, rather, luncheon meat. We didn’t actually eat spam brand spam. Instead my mom bought Chinese luncheon meat that came in a round can with an orange and blue wrapper. When I saw my mom whip out the can opener, I would get super excited because there would be something to eat with my rice.

spam mac and cheese recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

For me, the natural extension of spam and rice is, of course, spam mac and cheese. It’s what I make when I want bacon mac and cheese but don’t have bacon in the fridge. When you think about it, spam is essentially shelf stable bacon. It’s made of pork, pleasantly salty (go for the low sodium version, I find the regular just a touch TOO salty), and fries up to an addictive crisp.

spam mac and cheese recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

One of mac and cheese’s selling points is how fast it comes together. And if you want it even faster, skip out on the extra cheese and baking time. I’m addicted to the crunchy cheese lid that happens when mac and cheese is baked, but sometimes I make straight up stovetop too. If you can wait the extra time for baking, do it because even after baking, this mac and cheese is creamy, cheesy and gooey and studded with crispy cubes of pork. I baked it up in tiny individual portions in an attempt to exercise some self control, but all that ended up happening was more dishes to wash. Oops.

spam mac and cheese recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

Spam Mac and Cheese Recipe
serves 4 – 6

  • 2 cups macaroni or small pasta of choice
  • 1/2 can of spam*
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 2 1/2 cups milk
  • salt, to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups grated cheese of choice, plus 1 extra cup for topping

Preheat the oven to 375°F.

Boil your macaroni until al dente, according the package. While the macaroni is cooking, cut up your spam into small cubes and fry in dry, nonstick skillet over medium low heat until brown and crispy. Flip occasionally so all sides are crisp. When brown, remove from the pan and drain on paper towels. Set aside.

When the macaroni is finished, rinse with cold water and set aside until your sauce is finished.

In a large sauté pan or skillet, melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and stir constantly for about three minutes, until completely smooth and incorporated. Pour in 1 cup of the milk in a thin stream while whisking. It will start out lumpy, but keep whisking and it will smooth out into a thick paste. Add the rest of the milk and whisk until smooth. Keep on medium heat, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes, until the sauce thickens. Remove from the heat and add the pepper, 2 cups of cheese, and half of the spam cubes. Stir until cheese is melted. Add the drained pasta and gently mix. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed.

Pour the mac and cheese into an oven proof container and sprinkle on the remaining 1 cup of cheese and reserved spam cubes. Bake for 20-30 minutes, or until cheese is melted and golden brown. Enjoy hot.

Note: I felt like 1/2 can of spam was more than enough, but if you’re feeling extra spam-licious, feel free to use the whole can. If that’s the case, you most likely won’t need any additional salt.

spam mac and cheese recipe - www.iamafoodblog.com

Wondering what to do with that other can of spam? Try out these recipes: spam and egg salad rolls, spam and pineapple fried rice, spam musubi.


  1. molly yeh says:

    ohmygosh ohmygosh these are the cutest little mac and cheese cups EVER. one day i am going to suck it up, buy spam, and then cook through your spam recipes and it’s going to be amazing.

  2. Sophie says:

    I always get excited when you post Spam recipes! I love Spam and it gets so many haters (at least here in the US). Sausage and Spam are really the only things I miss after going vegetarian…. seriously…. you know how much a fan I am of your Spam-pineapple fried rice. [I still make it, just Spamless! :)] This mac and cheese is cute, tiny, gooey and crispy! GO STEPH

  3. I used to only eat white rice as a kid, too. This mac ‘n’ cheese is super cute… although I might use bacon instead, because why eat spam when you have bacon in the fridge?

  4. Susie says:

    Are we long lost twins? This is something I’ve done with the boxed mac & cheese, but not homemade mac because for whatever reason other people I share my food with don’t have the same love of Spam that I do. Crazy! I always have Spam on hand, because why not? I mean, when it’s super crispy? Yum!

  5. My grandma used to put cut up hot dogs in her mac and cheese to “beef it up” for the kiddos. I bet she would be all over this!

  6. Elyse says:

    There should be more SPAM recipes on the internet- pink meat perfection!

  7. Oh my dear god. This looks freaking incredible. Such a great way to jazz up (and update!) good old SPAM! xx

  8. Nicola says:

    These look so good and perfect for Fall :) I’ve not had SPAM in a long time – may have to get some next time I’m shopping!

  9. Katherine says:

    OMG is that Mahling do you mean?
    The Chinese luncheon meat in a round can?
    I always eat that too!
    Never eat spam in brand Spam before because Mahling already tastes so good.

  10. Monica says:

    I share the spam love from childhood as well! It is so good, and I’m totally down with it in mac & cheese. My little guy would totally grab it, too. Keep spreading the spam love! ; )

  11. Shannon says:

    Man. I really need to get into spam. I don’t think I’ve ever even had it before?!?! This is a MUST TRY for me.

  12. sara says:

    FUN! Love this. :)

  13. Bec says:

    OH MY GOSH. I am making this. Minus the spam (vego) but I’m using your mac recipe. YUM!

  14. I am an avid fan of Spam and I love this idea! Yum,yum,yum…

  15. I have never tried Spam before and this recipe made me want to try it!

  16. Alana says:

    YES YES YES to SPAM and mac (and cheese). Winner.

  17. Only you can make me jelly that I was in SPAIN eating all the (admittedly, very good) things while THIS was happening on your blog. I. LOVE. SPAM. <3 <3 <3

  18. Héctor Ruiz says:

    Hello! First, sorry for my ignorance, and probably for my English. I am a cooking amateur from Spain, and surfing I’ve discovered your amazing blog. I’ve read this recipe twice, and I’ve used de google translator, but sadly I haven’t found the meaning for “spam” (apart from a computer virus). If you are so kind, can you try to explain it to me?

    Many, many thanks!!

    1. steph says:

      spam is a canned meat, it’s a brand of canned luncheon meat. hope that helps!

  19. Bree Ana says:

    This is a tasty spam and mac recipe! I did a “Google” search for spam recipes and stumbled upon this. Thank you for a fun and creative way to use spam. The whole family enjoyed this! I can’t wait to try more of your recipes as I have a whole lot of spam to use I got from Costco. :)

    1. Tracy Kanter says:

      I make this! Cut and dry my Spam until it’s crispy! Two boxes of Kraft macaroni and cheese and a can of diced petite tomatoes drained! Yummy!

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